Monday 31 October 2011

Humanity as a cell:

There exists a correlation between the structure of a small-scale human society, and the structure of a living cellular organism. If you compare the diagramatic illustrations of these two objects with each other, the similarities are surprisingly obvious:

Single-cell organism                    Primitive Tribal Village

The same basic functions are performed by the correlating structures:


This is the 'brain' of the organism. The 10% which governs the remaining 90%. This intelligence directs the actions of the organism.

Protective membrane/Village Walls:

This is the protective structure which the Nucleus/Chief offers to the smaller entities which live and prosper inside the Cell/Village. 

Mitochondria etc./Tents and huts etc.
Inside these various structures, a wide variety of functions are performed which is necessary to keep the entire cell alive and provide for its basic needs.

Cytoplasm/Village Centre
Inside this area, the various structures move about, operate and procreate.
I concede that my illustrations may be overtly simplified, but you get the idea.

Although the implications of this discovery may be profound, it does not have many practical applications. In the infinite ocean of space-time, we are a tiny speck of dust swirling around along its currents, carrying on it the universe's very first signs of life. How it happened, nobody knows. 

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